Monday 2 May 2011

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at my preliminary task I feel that I have learnt many various valuable techniques and methods that have helped me improve on my preliminary task greatly.

I've learnt about the importance of images in a magazine production and most importantly the main image on the cover, because ultimately that's what the reader is going to see first. The main image on my final production looks a lot more professional than my preliminary task and seems to suit the page well. My final production of my music magazine also contains a subsidury image, which is something I didn't have on my school magazine. I think the subsidury image makes the page look a lot more like a finished product, as the preliminary task looks a little bare and unfinished.
I feel my ability to use the relative technology (eg adobe indesign) has improved a lot as well. I have got used to working with the programs and I feel confident with them, which I'm very happy with. Also I feel after creating my media product I have come on a lot with using a camera, I have learnt how to use certain effects and I feel I can now take better shots.

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