Monday 2 May 2011

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Technologies I used...
  The actual production of my magazine was mainly completed on Adobe In -     Design. This programme made it possible to create the magazine front cover, contents page and the double page. It allows you to add pictures, create text boxes, change layouts, add colours, insert images and many other features. It's very easy to use and the features on it make it possible for you to do exactly want you want, and makes everything very personal. It also made me appreciate however the time and effort it must take to actually produce a professional magazine, as everything takes a long time to get just right. So it gave me a really good incite on what professional production is like.

Paint shop Pro was used to edit and manipulate images for my magazine. I didn't really need to change much to my images so I didn't use this program much. It did help me learn how much you can do to actually change images and the ease of which you can do so.

The Internet was where I got the majority of my ideas for my magazine. I looked at professional magazines websites, and looked at images of real covers, double page spreads etc. So looking through the internet really helped me learn about the whole magazine industry in general.

The camera was the most important piece of equipment that I used for this task. Every image I used in my final production I took with a camera. Using the camera helped me learn about effects that you can use, and various ways to take a photo.


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