Thursday 28 April 2011

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

In order to try and attract my target audience I first and most importantly had to make the layout seem appealing. I tried to make it look non-cluttered, so that it's easier to read and looks more accessible for my audience. I tried to appeal to both genders with regard to the colour scheme and the bands I promoted on the cover. With the colour scheme I wanted it to be as vibrant as possible in order to attract peoples attention but at the same time I didn't want to use colours like bright pink or black because these colours you may associate with certain genders and with certain groups of people. I wanted my magazine to seem as open and accessible as I possibly could. I carefully picked out bands that I thought would appeal to both males and females without straying out of the boundaries of the 'Indie Rock' genre.

On my front cover I included many pull quotes to try and attract readers to buy my magazine such as having appealing things like a quiz. I tried to address readers personally also by saying things like 'see if you know your stuff', addressing the reader as 'you' establishes a certain amount of trust between the magazine and the reader. I promoted a free CD with the magazine so hopefully that would appeal to certain readers. I feel it is important in a magazine that if you are to promote artists, then it is good to include a CD with songs from these artists so that the reader can feel involved and listen to them while they read.

I also included on my front cover a promotion of the 'Squire awards'. I did this to make the magazine look prestigious by having its own awards ceremony. This hopefully would attract certain people.

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