Sunday 28 November 2010

Music magazine questionnaire

1. How old are you?
-11 - 13
-14 - 16
-17 - 19

2. Male or Female?

3. What masthead for the magazine would you prefer?
-InRok(Indie rock)
-Fret Magazine
-Major Magazine

4.Which slogan for the magazine do you prefer?
-Hear the Music. See the Music. Live the Music
-Love life, love music
-Indies advocate
-The representatives of sound
-Other (please state)

5.What content would you like the magazine to include? (open question)

6.What would you preferably like to see a main image of in a music magazine?
-A band
-Individual artist
-An artist or band playing live
-Other (please state)

7.What stories would you like the magazine to cover? (open question)

8.What colour scheme would you prefer?
-Red and black
-Green and white
-Black and gold

9.How much are you willing to spend on a magazine
-£1.00 - £1.99
-£2.00 - £2.99
- £3.00+

10.Would you like the magazine to be weekly or monthly?

11.What would you expect to find in the magazine (open question)

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