Sunday 28 November 2010

Music magazine evaluation

In order to collect the relevent information I needed I interviewed eleven people with my questionnaire.
Three of them were aged 11-13, six were aged 14-16 and two were aged 17-19, unfortunatly I was unable to get information off people aged 20+.
Seven out of the eleven people interviewed were female, and so I my results were quite evenly distributed.
The most popular masthead that I could see from my questionnaire was InRok, it was the most popular by one vote but I have chosen not to use it for my magazine, instead I have chosen the second most popular and that was Squire. A Fender Squire is a type of guitar that is used alot among indie rock bands and so I think it would be an overall better masthead. The slogan that was most popular was Indie's advocate, which was my favourite also. The mos popular colour scheme was green and white and mostly all my answers stated that they wanted a band on the front cover.

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