Friday 1 April 2011

Final draft cover

This is my final front cover draft, as you can see from earlier on in my blog I completely changed the main image on the front cover, In order to accompany the new image I had to completely change the color scheme, from the previously light blue concentrated text to black and gold. I added spots of red text just to add a bit of change to the black and gold orientated color scheme and i feel it worked well. The main image itself was very difficult to decide on.  I had many images too choose from but I was pretty settled on the black and white effect, I think the black and white effect is very flexible as well when choosing colour schemes as most  colours seem to suit well. The image I finally settled on however was chosen because I felt it added a bit of quirkiness and originality and didn't take itself too seriously. I tried to put as many pull quotes and sell lines that I could on the front cover without it seeming a bit over the top and silly.

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