Friday 1 April 2011

Final double page

Again this final draft of my article undertook a lot of changes when it came to the main image. I had originally thought of having another similar action shot like I had with the contents page, one of my model jumping and being shot in mid air. But I settled for this image for a number of reasons. I liked the fact that there was plenty of space to the right side of him so that I could fit my article there; I prefer having writing on a natural background instead of a plain white or a filled in background. The image also seemed to emphasise the fact that my singer was starting something on his own as he is the only one in the shot. The colour scheme is slightly different to the black and gold theme that I had on the cover and the contents page. I felt that pink seemed to stand out better and complimented the off pink background of the wall behind the singer. I then tried to match the colour of the models trousers with the sub text just below the main title with a mustard yellow. My article itself is not question and answer but more of an interview and a tour around the studio that the artist is working in. I have a few quotes from the singer and the odd quote which I have pulled out and enlarged in attempt to replicate how real magazines set out their articles.

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