Monday 1 November 2010

Results of questionnaire

Out of eleven questionnaires the results were as follows:
Four out of the eleven people interviewed were aged between 11-13, five were aged between 14-16 and then the last two were aged between 17 and 18. The distribution of the questionnaires were quite even between males and females.  Five were females and six were male. On average the most popular colour scheme for the magazine was blue and yellow. The most popular masthead for the magazine (and my personal favourite) was the masthead KHVIII, with the slogan being SCHOOLED. The preferable price of the magazine averaged at under £1.00. When asked the question if they read magazines often, majority said that they did but not week in week out and none subscribed. The most popular genre of the magazines that they were reading were either sport or gossip. Many wanted these two subjects to be covered in the school magazine along with general school information, news of school trips and a seperate section for sixth form news.

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